Self Expression

Calm Before the Storm

When you ask yourself, who am I? if you’re honest, you’ll notice that it takes you right back to silence instantly. The brain doesn’t have an answer, so all of a sudden there is silence. What I believe is that we all are shaped by our experiences in our lives. And the memories, good and… Continue reading Calm Before the Storm

Self Expression

Should i live today or tomorrow..

Oh when i meet someone, when i get married, when i have children, when do i lose when do i gain, when do i get my job then when do i retire. All our life revolves around our desires. We want to get what we want to be happy. Meanwhile time moves on regardless if… Continue reading Should i live today or tomorrow..

Self Expression

Embrace the Glorious Mess

“Believe in yourself and all that you are. Know that there is something inside you that is greater than any obstacle” In this world, everyone of us has to suffer their own predicament, encounter diversity in several and often unimaginable forms, and fight our own battles. However, some of our experiences can leave grotesque and indelible… Continue reading Embrace the Glorious Mess

Self Expression

You stand alone.

Considering myself as an introvert I think that society has romanticized the concept of being with someone to a stifling degree. It is always made to be shown like you constantly need someone with you. Be it a lover, a friend, a parent, a sibling, an acquaintance - you just have to have someone with… Continue reading You stand alone.